The price of success

One of the problems with getting people better is that once word spreads and more people schedule appointments, the wait for a new appointment can get a bit long. While having people booked 2-3 months in advance can be reassuring to me, it does pose some problems:
  • People looking for appointments can get frustrated by the wait. Fortunately, we have Gaia who can see patients sooner. We also keep a wait list for people who want to get in earlier than the appointment they schedule.
  • When an appointment is months away, people often forget when the appointment is or that they ever made the appointment. So, we end up with new patient appointments with no patient. This is a problem for us (it’s hard to pay the bills when we’re not seeing patients) and it’s unfair to the other people trying to get in to see us.
So, in an effort to minimize this problem, we’re requiring deposits before making an appointment. We’ll take a credit card over the phone, or send in a check (with your name, address and phone number) and we’ll call you when it arrives. The deposits are fully refundable if a person cancels an appointment 5 business days before the appointment, and the deposit can be used to pay for visit, co-pay, and supplements once the appointment is kept.
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